Image credit: Urban Works Agency (left) and Mia Candelaria, Natthakanya Intharasena, Cassady Kenney, and Maria Ulloa (right).
Project: Equity on the Edge: Designing Climate Resilience
Date: Sep 04 - Sep 21 2018
Location: 151 & 131 Hubbell St, San Francisco
What’s the real risk of climate change? When rising tides wear away at coastal homes and shoreline infrastructures, they initiate cascading effects across precarious housing markets, employment opportunities, and supply chains. They also challenge many of the same structures of ownership and wealth creation that created such vulnerabilities in the first place—those that drive the Bay Area’s current affordability crisis. How can designers, publics and cities seize the opportunity to reshape this other kind of power, both today and for a transforming climate?
This exhibition presents research, design proposals and decision-making tools focused on the San Leandro Bay and Deep East Oakland and created for the Resilient by Design, a collaborative design challenge that asked residents, public officials and international experts to create design proposals for a more resilient Bay Area. Projects shown in this exhibition ask how new attitudes towards land—its stability at the edge of the Bay, ownership, and role in wealth creation—might strengthen resilience to climate change by building greater social and racial equity.
This exhibition was curated by the Urban Works Agency at the CCA Architecture Division. It features CCA’s contribution, both in graduate and undergraduate courses at CCA and in UWA’s research and design production, to the All Bay Collective team in the Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge.
ABC is comprised of CCA Urban Works Agency, AECOM, CMG Landscape Architecture, and UC Berkeley, with David Baker Architects, Silvestrum, Skeo, and Moll de Monchaux. Janette Kim and Neeraj Bhatia, UWA Directors, curators, project designers and instructors. Liz Lessig and Cesar Lopez, Research Fellows. Shahad Alamoudi, Abdul Alfayez, Marwan Barmasood, Georgia Came, Mia Candelaria, Xinyi Chen, Denisse Correa Guerra, Alli Foronda, Wilson Fung, Eric Fura, Francisco Garcia, Jessica Grinaker, Karol Horr, Natthakanya Intharasena, Fathmath Isha, Yoo Bin Jung, Cassady Kenney, Namhi Kwun, Avril Li, Loretta Li, Bianca Lin, Peter Lin, Lori Martinez, Jennifer Pandian, Joshua Park, Adan Rios, Sabrina Schrader, Samuel Sellery, Fuyang Shan, Chang-Tse Sung, Maria Ulloa, Jared Vallair, and Taskin Ege Yener, designers and CCA students. Exhibition design assistance by Daniela Granillo, Alma Davila and Jen Tai. Special thanks to Keith Krumwiede, Lisa Findley, Jaime Austin, Joshua Stulen, Antje Steinmuller, Chris Roach, Dustin Smith, Laura Ng, Mrin Aggarwal, Leah Kandel, Shalini Agrawal, Evelyn Thorne, and Eve Letendre for their support and assistance.
This presentation is an Affiliate Event of the Global Climate Action Summit and COAL + ICE.