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The fifth in a series of housing symposia, Domestic Affairs #5 Domesticity After Belonging will examine a crisis of belonging as framed by a global circulation of people, property, and identity. After Belonging, a project initiated at Oslo Architecture Triennale in 2016, addresses both our attachment to places and collectivities, as well as our relation to objects we own, share, and exchange. Bringing architects, urban planners, activists, members of the technology industry, and community leaders together, Domesticity After Belonging takes the current political context as a framework to discuss and imagine new architectures of being together.

Domestic Affairs is a design-research project undertaken by The Urban Works Agency at CCA that is examining new models of housing, density, and affordability in San Francisco through design.

Technologies for a Life in Transit: 
3:00pm, CCA Campus Center

Sara Dean

Assistant Professor, Graduate Design, California College of the Arts

Janette Kim

California College of the Arts & All of the Above

Michael Ovadia

Doctoral Candidate and Instructor, Stanford University

Molly Turner
Lecturer, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Sheltering Temporariness 
5:00pm, CCA Campus Center

Neeraj Bhatia

California College of the Arts & The Open Workshop

Sam Dodge

Deputy Director, Department of Homelessness & Supportive Housing

Chris Herring

Sociology Department, University of California Berkeley

Erin McElroy
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

Tony Sparks

San Francisco State University

Blake Stevenson
California College of the Arts & Airbnb

Moderated & Co-0rganized by the After Belonging Agency
(Curators of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016):

LluA�s Alexandre Casanovas Blanco

Ignacio GonzA?lez GalA?n

Carlos MA�nguez Carrasco

Alejandra Navarrette Llopis

Marina Otero Verzier

6:30pm, Timken Auditorium
AndrA�s Jaque
Office of Political Architecture & Columbia University

Followed by a moderated discussion by the After Belonging Agency (Curators of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016) and Jonathan Massey

Supported by the Royal Norwegian Consulate General New York

California College of the Arts
1111 8th St. San Francisco, CA 94107

Day / Time: 
Friday, March 10th, 2017, 3:00pm – 8:00pm

This event is organized by the Urban Works Agency at the California College of the Arts.

Earlier Event: February 10
Later Event: March 16