Photo: Camille Blake, Forecast Berlin
Housing the Human Festival
Oct 19 8pm
Radialsystem, Berlin
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Immerse yourself in the struggles of Bartertown, a fictional land that asks how new networks of care and sociability can emerge in a world without money.
This event stages Bartertown as a life-size board game, in which players must brave disasters such as climate change, a Stock Market crash, or even a divorce. Players exchange favors and resources to survive, using unique “powers” that trade in alternate forms of currency: property, skill, mobility, generosity and influence. Whether they win or lose, dominate or inspire, players will explore unexpected ways to strategize, negotiate, and reshape both the city and the home through a new economy of favors and resource-sharing.
The game brings together people of various backgrounds to work collaboratively with each other while assuming the roles of different agents that are relevant for coexistence in a city. During a two-hour event, participants are invited to both build on their expertise and step outside their own frame of reference. Join us to engage in the collaborative process game play across disciplines and mind-sets.
Playing Developers were developer Thomas Bestgen and community developer Michael LaFond; playing Designers were architect @architectmehrotra and art historian Margin Shoshan; playing Nomads were architects Jörg Stollman and Felix Wierschbitzki; playing Caregivers were curators @jtaylorfoster and @boelenjan; playing politicians were Mayor of Hamburg Falko Drossman and designer @danielperlin; and playing the dolphin was Lulu Obermayer.
Designer: Janette Kim, Urban Works Agency at California College of the Arts, San Francisco
Host: Forecast, with Freo Majer, Anja Gӧbel, Patrick Liwitzki
Supported by the Future Architecture Platform.
Photo: Camille Blake, Forecast Berlin
Photo: Camille Blake, Forecast Berlin
Photo: Janette Kim/Urban Works Agency
Video Still: Forecast Berlin