Title: The Petropolis of Tomorrow, Rewiring Territories, Vol. 3.0
Publisher: The Open Workshop
346 Pages, Black and White Printing
Date: March 2014
Editor: Neeraj Bhatia
The Petropolis of Tomorrow (Vol. 3.0: Rewiring Territories) is an illustrated research book undertaken at the Department of Architecture at The California College of the Arts. Volume 3.0 condenses research on the role, effects, construction, and opportunities presented with pipeline infrastructure in South America. Divided into the themes of Typologies of Energy, Ecologies and Settlement, the book investigates the territorial and local effects of conduit infrastructure.
Authors: Barry Atiabet, Christopher Baile, Jill Chao, Lujac Desautel, Jojit Diaz, Enrique Justicia, Yury Kogan, Mark Nicholson, Alexandre Silveira, Blake Stevenson, and Jose Vaca