

Title: The Petropolis of Tomorrow, Switchscapes Report, Vol. 4.0
Publisher: The Open Workshop
464 Pages, Black and White Printing
Date: March 2015
Editor: Neeraj Bhatia

The Petropolis of Tomorrow (Vol. 4.0: Switchscapes) is an illustrated research book undertaken at the Department of Architecture at The California College of the Arts. Volume 4.0 condenses research on the history, operationalization, and present social / ecological / economic issues and opportunities in California’s Central Valley.
The book investigates the tensions over water by the agricultural and fracking industries.

Authors: Haifa Al-Gwaiz, Rafael Berges, Jared Clifton, Kenneth Hu, Lu Li, Shirin Monshipouri, Marianna Munguia Chang, Abibatou Sane, Alexandre Silveira, Omar Soliman, Jamie Ung, Jessica Zamora