The Estuary Commons: People, Place and a Path Forward. Image: The All Bay Collective
The Estuary Commons: People, Place and a Path Forward
Faculty Research
Date: May 2018
Principal Investigators: Janette Kim and Neeraj Bhatia
This book presents the final research report and design proposal by the All Bay Collective (ABC) for the Resilient by Design (RBD), a year-long collaborative design challenge that “brought together local residents, public officials and local, national and international experts to develop innovative community-based solutions that will strengthen our region’s resilience to sea level rise, severe storms, flooding and earthquakes.” ABC asked how designing for resilience might require us to think differently about the way resources and places are shared. Order a copy of this book.
Commissioning Agency: Resilient by Design All Bay Challenge.
All Bay Collective: AECOM, CMG Landscape Architecture, CCA Urban Works Agency, and UC Berkeley, with David Baker Architects, Silvestrum, Skeo, and Moll de Monchaux.
UWA Principal Investigators: Janette Kim and Neeraj Bhatia.
Research/Design Assistants: Liz Lessig and Cesar Lopez (Resilience Fellows), Namhi Kwun and Carlos Serrano.
Partnering community-based organizations: East Oakland Collective, Oakland Climate Action Coalition, Scraper Bike Team, Merritt College Brower Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies, Planting Justice, HOPE Collaborative, East Oakland Building Health Communities, and Repaired Nations.
Partnering government organizations: Oakland Planning, the City of Alameda, BART, the Port of Oakland, East Bay Regional Park District, and EBMUD.